If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchased product, you have
a period of 7 days, counting from the date of delivery of product to return it.
In this case the back costs are paid by the customer . Before making that
refund, customer must contact our sales
department at the time limit indicated via email, phone or fax which will
indicate the return process. Any return without prior notice is not attended. To
support the return must be both the product and its packaging in perfect
condition, no scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all
documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The client must
make sure proper packaging to transport without damage. Once received and checked
by our staff that the product is in the same condition as sent, will proceed to
refund the amount, according to the method of payment by the customer.
Redirigiendo a Paypal.
Tiempo de espera agotado, puede que haya sobrecarga en la red y no se ha podido obtener el resultado de forma correcta, acceda a la cesta para comprobar el estado de la misma.
Remember to enter the redemption code
Are you sure leave the session?
Se van a volver a introducir los artículos en la cesta para que puedas tramitar y finalizar un nuevo pedido.
¿Quieres recuperar la última cesta?
Introduzca como mínimo 3 caracteres en el campo de búsqueda
Arrastra o pulsa aquí para subir los archivos
Tu navegador no soporta el arrastre de archivos
Por favor usa el formato antiguo para subir los archivos
El tamaño del archivo ({{filesize}}MB) supera el límite establecido. Tamaño Máximo: {{maxFilesize}}MB.
No puedes subir archivos de este tipo
Cancelar subida
¿Estás seguro de cancelar la subida?
Eliminar archivo
No puedes subir mas archivos
The email does not have a correct format.
Formato no válido.
Error: Missing required fields
Error: Existen campos sin validar
El campo email no coincide
The codes entered are different.
You must accept the terms and the conditions of registry
Have not checked the option to receive information so you do not receive notices on special offers and promotions from our store. If you wish to receive such information click [OK], if not press [Cancel] and continue with the registration process.
Your log in was succesfully.
Security Code
La fecha tiene que ser entre